Just thinking about history and life

By Alice The First

I just simply compare nowadays political situation with what i know from history and believe me or not there are lot of comparisons I'm afraid of. Someone can say that history still repeats and he's right. We should learn from what our ascendents came through. It's crucial how easily people forget.

History was not always nice, but maybe was. Just people are mean and wicked and hurt each other. Don't be surprised you traveler throughout history. People say history is written by winners. But i say history is written by people. Everyone is different. No one is same. And people choose the way they want to live. Good or bad. Doesn't matter. Or actually does? But what i wanted to say - each of us makes our own history.
And so - behave the way you want to other people behave to you. Simple, huh? One wise man once said: "You should behave that as you think everybody should behave." or - maybe better - "Behave that as you think everybody should behave." That wise man was Václav Havel, the first president of postcommunist Czechoslovakia.

I study history or historical sciences/studies, call it as you want to. During the studying what i really love it's clear to me that history is never ending process of particular situations that speak to us differently - in different ways and we often don't listen, but it happens every day of our life. We are firmly connected with people who lived years ago than we were born. Something from these people's lifes live in our lifes. Don't know what it is but it's certainly much more important than we can imagine. They are our ascendents. We are their descendents. The connection between me and you, my beloved ascendent, is strong. Each struggle, each pain, each happiness, each joy, love, faith, hope. These things never disappear. It'll be the great part of my life forever and i'm proud of i live my life with that responsibility of my ascendents. They will live in me forever. I will always live in my descendents.

In conclusion... my dear traveler who has visited our Wonderland and are reading this article, please, I beg you behave nicely to other people, to your family, friends, because then you may help to not begin another war or just make someone's day better.

Peace and love to you all. 💗


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