By Alice The Second Someone clever once said: „Life is hard. If you want to be happy and sucesfull, you have to keep going...“ But it's not that easy, isn't it? Sometimes you want to give up, because life sucks. Because you just don't want to try anymore. But you still going, because you have family and you just can't let them feel miserable. You don't want to, even when you are suffering. You tell yourself: „I can do it. I will do it. It's gonna be fine.“ And it holds. It holds a long time, but one day it will break. You will break. And it's not gonna be easy to go back to those beautiful times. If you're like that, you should find help. Any help. Some friend or psychologist. And I know what you're thinking. You can't find some psychologist or there aren't any in your town, so you still going. Your day is as every other day. And then, there is a season, when everything is good and you think: „It's gonna be okay.“...