

By Alice The First Burácivý zpěv neutichal Bělostné pírko se snášelo na trávu posetou kapkami krve Hrom bil tóny zvonkohry Bál se, aby z jeho úst nevyšel dávivý šepot Pero tančilo skřípavý slowfox Roztříštěná váza hladila na duši Její střepy byly použity k masáži ztuhlého krku Milenci se s ohlušujícím jekotem objali A poslední slza spustila vydatnou povodeň

Just thinking about history and life

By Alice The First I just simply compare nowadays political situation with what i know from history and believe me or not there are lot of comparisons I'm afraid of. Someone can say that history still repeats and he's right. We should learn from what our ascendents came through. It's crucial how easily people forget. History was not always nice, but maybe was. Just people are mean and wicked and hurt each other. Don't be surprised you traveler throughout history. People say history is written by winners. But i say history is written by people. Everyone is different. No one is same. And people choose the way they want to live. Good or bad. Doesn't matter. Or actually does? But what i wanted to say - each of us makes our own history. And so - behave the way you want to other people behave to you. Simple, huh? One wise man once said: "You should behave that as you think everybody should behave." or - maybe better - "Behave that as you think everybod...

Purpose of life

By Alice The Second     Someone clever once said: „Life is hard. If you want to be happy and sucesfull, you have to keep going...“ But it's not that easy, isn't it? Sometimes you want to give up, because life sucks. Because you just don't want to try anymore. But you still going, because you have family and you just can't let them feel miserable. You don't want to, even when you are suffering.      You tell yourself: „I can do it. I will do it. It's gonna be fine.“ And it holds. It holds a long time, but one day it will break. You will break. And it's not gonna be easy to go back to those beautiful times.     If you're like that, you should find help. Any help. Some friend or psychologist. And I know what you're thinking. You can't find some psychologist or there aren't any in your town, so you still going. Your day is as every other day.      And then, there is a season, when everything is good and you think: „It's gonna be okay.“...

What is this blog about?

Hello my friends, on this blog we will write about situations in the world, about life choices, about what comes to our minds...  We will publish under the names: Alice The First and Alice The Second. And we will write in english or czech. Hope you will like it. See you soon.